Wet Blaster

I tried making a wet blaster Part 2

I found a great guy on YouTube. Matthew from MatthewMCRepairInspired by another YouTuber who made a huge wooden aquarium, he made a huge blast cabinet measuring 106x76cm using plywood and 2×4 lumber. It’s made of wood, but it’s completely waterproof and can be used as a blast cabinet with no problems. Compared to iron cabinets, which require sheet metal welding, the hurdle is low. To be honest, I can make it with just the tools I have on hand. However, if I were to make it as is, the size would be a little large. Maybe I should shrink it to the commonly used cabinet size of 93×58? Astro Product’s […]

I tried making a wet blaster Part 2 Read More »

I made a wet blaster 1

I did some research I want to make my own wet blaster, so I did some research to find out what parts I need. It’s called a Vapor Blaster in the US, I guess. Necessary discharge volume According to Vapor Horning Technologies, Inc., a nozzle with a 10mm inner diameter needs to be able to cover 20CFM = 566L/Min to maintain 50-60psi. For personal use in the garage, a 5 horsepower air compressor is recommended. It can be roughly calculated as about 3-4 CFM per horsepower.   Nozzle diameter and required size of air compressor By reducing the nozzle diameter, a smaller air compressor can be used. Nozzle diameter Nozzle

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